Welcome! Thank you for visiting my web site. Please take your time exploring the detailed descriptions of my holistic services and the benefits of Therapeutic Massage Therapy and Naturotherapy.
Registered Massage Therapist / Naturopathic Consultant
Certified Bowen Therapy / Baby Bowen / Hand & Foot Reflexology / Cupping Massage / Reflex Point Therapy
Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils / Clinical Aromatherapy
Call (506) 874-7285 to book your Appointment
381 St George St. Suite 201 Moncton, NB E1C0N5
Massage Therapy & Naturotherapy APNN Services Covered By Health Insurance Plans
Bilingual Service
(My web site is only available in English at the present time. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. French web site is under construction.)